This is going to be a bit unusual...this post is for my niece, Marissa. I'm making the jewelry for her wedding as my gift to her and she wanted to see what I planning. And some of my online friends might enjoy seeing the pieces, too....
Marissa, I'm thinking of doing variations of leaf motifs for all of the jewelry. For the moms I have a design that has become one of my signature pieces, a stylized leaf shape.
For Will's mom, wearing black and gold, a piece similar to the one in the center and silver with a sunstone. It would be on a vermiel mini omega chain.
For your mom, the same design set with holley blue chalcedony.
For the bridesmaids, an enameled ginkgo this one but without the purple...all the enamel in shades of green...
And for you, a sprig of leaves with enameled leaves...
Open work like the one above...on a strand of green amethysts instead of the garnet...and with enameling and stones set like the piece below...
Let me know what you think...